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Pilot of Interpersonal Performance Assessment a Success

Pachia Lee

On January 30th, Interactive Advantage hosted a pilot of our new Interpersonal Performance Assessment (IPA) offering with business leaders from around Atlanta. The purpose of the event was to get some feedback and refine our idea. IPA is designed to video capture, evaluate, improve and certify performance in the areas of sales, leadership, customer support and classroom instruction. According to Ron Wincek, my boss and President and Founder of Interactive Advantage, "IPA brings the concept of post-game film analysis, used for decades in sports, into the competitive workplace environment. The goal is to take an evidence-based approach to identifying strengths and weaknesses and to objectively recommend appropriate interventions."

In addition to the pilot event in January, Dan Richards, VP of Preofessional Services, presented IPA to the Executive Sales and Marketing Association (ESMA) where the concept received great reviews from several dozen leading sales executives. We have been pleasantly surprised at how many of them approached us to become an early adopter. There seems to be a niche partnership opportunity for sales gurus who want to expand their instructional offering with an innovative solution like IPA. 

Ron and Dan are currently working on a super secret mash-up with IPA, data analytics technologies and certification programs that promise to take our idea to the next level. Stay tuned!