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Review: Trivantis' Vaast

Michael Darden

When developing e-learning, we know the importance of having access to the right digital media to support your content. For many developers, finding the right images, audio, or video can be challenging. That’s why we are happy that Trivantis has introduced Vaast.

Vaast is an online centralized environment where teams can quickly locate, edit, manage, share, and track digital media assets such as images, audio, and video. Rather than manage all your media in a folder on your desktop, Vaast’s repository of digital assets is contained and managed in one centralized and shared location. One of our favorite features of Vaast is the ability to track the usage and modification of media across the system. This ability allows for transparency to see who is using what media, how often, and what edits are being made. Users can then collect real-time measurements of digital asset usage. Because Lectora Online integrates directly with Vaast, developers can update Lectora Online course assets from a single location saving duplication of efforts and significant time in the course development cycle.

In summary, Vaast allows developers to share, manage, and use digital media assets easier and more efficiently. It eliminates the need to constantly update your team as Vaast keeps all media updated for you as edits and changes are made. Vaast allows your team to work better and more seamlessly, saving you valuable time as you work to meet your deadlines. We highly recommend Vaast to anyone looking for a way to easily manage content for faster and more effective e-learning course development.  For more information on Vaast, visit and sign up for a free trial.