Genetech was looking for someone to develop templates and process of e-learning development so that their internal team could be more successful. They were also looking for training on how to use the templates to create e-learning internally.
Interactive Advantage developed their entire template and process for e-learning design and development for two different e-learning tools and two different learning management systems.
Interactive Advantage created a template set with training for how to develop in Captivate and Lectora. Interactive Advantage went on site to train the Genetech team on how to use both tools and provided technical support and follow up for all of their staff. Interactive Advantage was also able to help them integrate training developed with both template sets into their two new learning management systems, SABA and Sum Total systems.
As the founders of the biotechnology industry, our goal is to use the power of genetic engineering and advanced technologies to make medicines that address unmet medical needs, and help millions of people worldwide. Genentech was founded more than 35 years ago, in 1976, by the late venture capitalist Robert A. Swanson and the biochemist Dr. Herbert W. Boyer. In the early 1970s, Boyer and geneticist Stanley Cohen pioneered a new scientific field called recombinant DNA technology. Upon learning about this development, Swanson placed a call to Boyer and requested a meeting. Boyer agreed to give the young entrepreneur 10 minutes of his time. Swanson's enthusiasm for the technology and his faith in its commercial potential were contagious, and the meeting extended from 10 minutes to three hours; by its conclusion, Genentech was born. Though Swanson and Boyer faced skepticism from both the academic and business communities, they forged ahead with their idea.